Solonirinantenaina Heliarivonjy Rakotondramano

Current job title: 
Head of Mining Identity and Exploitation of Geo-Scientific Data
  • Head of Department at the Ministry in charges of Mines and Strategic Resources, Madagascar since 2013
  • Representative of Madagascar team in the JOGMEC/SADC Remote Sensing Competition in 2018, 3rd place, Lobatse-Botswana
Institution(s) associated with the expert: 

Nirinarisoa Lantoasinoro Ranivoarivelo (PhD)

Current job title: 
Teacher - University of Toliara - Madagascar
Areas of expertise: 

I am a Researcher - Teacher at the Institute of Fisheries and Marine Sciences at the University of Toliara Madagascar for 11 years and since I teach and I do my research especially on mangroves and seagrass.

Gerard Ian Charlette

Current job title: 
Environment and Social Engagement Consultant
  • Widespread experience with numerous Environmental Impact Assessments and Feasibility Studies for a wide range of infrastructure projects over a period of 24 years and production of Management Plans
Institution(s) associated with the expert: 
View expert's content: 

Strengthening regulatory framework and national capacity for monitoring effluent discharges, water, and sediments quality in coastal and marine areas of Madagascar

The Bombetoka Estuary is highly vulnerable to pollution from Mahajanga city’s tourism, agricultural, industrial, and other sectors. Tests of the water by the National Centre For Environmental Research (CNRE) indicate the presence of toxic heavy metals and hydrocarbons that pose serious risks to both human and marine life. The project will demonstrate how water quality and sediments can be improved by developing a regulatory framework and monitoring system—a framework which will provide the basis for the development of national wastewater standards.

Improving Mtwapa Creek water quality by use of Constructed Wetland Wastewater Treatment Technology in Shimo la Tewa – IMCoW Project

Marine and coastal ecosystems are impacted by natural and anthropogenic stressors. Discharge of domestic, industrial and agricultural wastes into marine ecosystems results in deterioration of water and sediment quality with negative impacts on ecosystem integrity, biodiversity conservation, shoreline stability, community livelihood, and revenue generation. Mtwapa Creek, an Indian Ocean inlet along the Kenya coast receives wastewater from point and non-point sources resulting in deteriorating water quality.

Implementing a Source to Sea based approach to tackle marine litter in five priority river systems in Durban, Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa

Marine litter—and its effects on marine life, beaches, and fisheries —has become a pressing issue for South Africa. The proponents underscore that the country has grown increasingly concerned about beach litter originating from river systems. The project will demonstrate how a 'Source to Sea' approach in five river systems in KwaZulu-Natal, can reduce litter generation and recover litter with river basin-wide interventions.

Towards Integrated Spatial Planning For Sustainable Management Of Coastal And Marine Resources In Kilifi County, Kenya

Kenya's coastal and marine resources provide numerous benefits to coastal communities, including food, employment, protection from climate change, and more. However, inclusive planning. development, and management of resources is imperative to ensure that these benefits can be enjoyed by future generations of Kenyans.

Consortium for the Conservation of the Coastal and Marine Ecosystems in the Western Indian Ocean region (WIO-C)

WIO-C is a consortium of international and regional Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in partnership with intergovernmental organizations that have presence and are active in regional marine and coastal ecosystem management in the WIO region.