Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism (the DEAT) – South Africa

Partner's Location: 
The Department of Environmental Affairs is mandated to give effect to the right of citizens to an environment that is not harmful to their health or wellbeing, and to have the environment protected for the benefit of present and future generations. To this end, the department provides leadership in environmental management, conservation and protection towards sustainability for the benefit of South Africans and the global community. 

Marcos Pereira

Current job title: 
Program Director - Ecosystems and Biodiversity - Centro Terra Viva - Estudos e Advocacia Ambiental Maputo - Mozambique
Areas of expertise: 

Marine Biologist with a wide range of interests and experience, which includes MPAs management and governance, marine recreational activities and their management (fishing, diving), marine turtle conservation, coral and reef fish monitoring and research.

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Chiranjiwa Naidoo Paupiah (Mr.)

Current job title: 
Divisional Scientific Officer, Albion Fisheries Research Center
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Heliari Vonjy Rakotondramano

Current job title: 
Ministry of Mines and Petroleum/HydroGeophysics- Geomatics
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Tariro Davison Saruchera

Current job title: 
IUCN, ESARO Regional Water Programme
Areas of expertise: 

He is the IUCN Regional Technical Coordinator (Interim). His roles include: Programme development, resource mobilisation, strategic planning and project implementation


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Joseph M. Maina (PhD)

Current job title: 
Senior Lecturer in Spatial Information Science, Department of Environmental Sciences

I am a spatial scientist with interests in a wide range of environmental and ecological questions, and have predominantly focused on coastal and marine environment. My ultimate goals are to understand and predict the impacts of environmental variability and change on marine and coastal social-ecological systems at local and global scales in-order to support local adaptation planning and management.

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Mwakio P. Tole (PhD)

Current job title: 
Professor of Environmental Geochemistry in the Department of Environmental Sciences, Pwani University

Professor of Environmental Geochemistry and administrator. He has conducted and published research on pollution of water (rivers, streams, lakes, dams, groundwater, ocean), soils and air, as well as on environmental impacts of geothermal energy resources.

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Sebastiani Keino Ambinintsoa Roby (PhD)

Current job title: 
Expert hydrologist and Environmentalist. He is responsible for hydrogeological surveys, i.e in other words groundwater and aquifer characterization, in-situ physico-chemical analysis, hydrogeophysical surveys and environmental impact studies.
Areas of expertise: 

He is an expert hydrologist and Environmentalist.

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Richard Kimwaga (PhD)

Current job title: 
Senior Lecturer at the College of Engineering and Technology - Water Resources Engineering Department, University of Dar es Salaam

Dr. Richard Joseph Kimwaga (PhD), holds Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, M.Sc. Water Resources Engineering, M.Sc. Environmental System Analysis and PhD in Environmental Engineering. He has attended a number of professional and short courses trainings on various issues related to water resources management, sanitation management and hygiene promotion. Currently, Dr.

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Title of Partner: 

Ruby Moothien Pillay (PhD)

Current job title: 
Director, Mauritius Oceanography Institute

My marine research career started in the early 1990s at the Ministry of Fisheries. In 2001, I joined the Mauritius Oceanography Institute where I am currently the Director. My pre and post doctoral experience stem from participation in several local, regional and international projects in coral taxonomy, coral reef ecology, phylogenetics, phylogeography and population genetics.

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