Tanzania, United Republic of

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The following country report begins with an overview of coastal livelihoods in Tanzania, which provides a concise overview of the seven sector reports and the findings of the in-country and regional consultants. This overview ends with a conclusion which summarizes the collected information as it relates to the coastal zone in Tanzania in general. This overview is followed by the more detailed sector reports, which represent the original contributions by the in-country and regional consultants.

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Coastal resources refer to the natural resources found in coastal areas, which is useful for human today or in the coming future, these include fish, shellfish, marine mammals, seabirds and other marine organisms (seaweed, coral reefs) land, forests, coastal waters and wetlands, sand minerals, among others (Walters, 1998; Jin, 2002). These resources are crucial and important and the benefits provided by them are both widely recognized but poorly understood by the majority (Daily, 1997).

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This report describes the Policy and Governance Assessment done for the Coastal and Marine Resources sectors within the framework of Large Marine Ecosystems for the Agulhas and Somali Current in Tanzania. This report is organized into seven chapters. The first chapter introduces Tanzania with its geographical settings, administrative set up and the existing governance system for managing the coastal and marine resources and environment. It also present the methodology used for this assessment.