Policy and Governance

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The Role of Periodic Assessment in Informing Policy: Scenario Setting and Governance.

Paper presented at the Partnership on Science to Policy Forum, Mahe, Seychelles, 11-12 October, 2016

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The meeting on the Partnership on Science to Policy Forum was organized by the Secretariat of the Nairobi Convention for the Protection, Management and Development of the Marine and Coastal Environment of the Western Indian Ocean region in collaboration with the Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association (WIOMSA) and the Indian Ocean Commission (IOC) in Mahe, Seychelles on the 11-12 October 2016.

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The NMC’s strategic priority for biodiversity conservation has been confirmed by various processes, including the Indian Ocean Commission WIOMER process, the UNESCO World Heritage Convention and the Convention on Biological Diversity “EBSA” process.

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The meeting on Area Based Planning Tools and Regional Cooperation for the Implementation of the 2030 Agenda was held in Mahe, Seychelles on 13-14 October 2016 by the Secretariat for the Nairobi Convention for the Protection, Management and Development of the Marine and Coastal Environment of the Western Indian Ocean region in collaboration with the United Nations Environment Programme's World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP WCMC) as part of the implementation of the pr

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The Contracting Parties to the Nairobi Convention held the First Negotiations Meeting on the ICZM Protocol on 23-24 September, 2013 in Cape Town, South Africa.
After the negotiations, a number of issues and definitions remained unresolved including, but not limited to: Geographical Coverage (protocol area), Objectives of the ICZM, ICZM instruments, Conservation and Rehabilitation of Coastal Ecosystems, Biodiversity and Landscapes, and Disaster Risk Management.
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The meeting on the Partnership on Science to Policy Forum was organized by the Secretariat of the Nairobi Convention for the Protection, Management and Development of the Marine and Coastal Environment of the Western Indian Ocean region in collaboration with the Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association (WIOMSA) and the Indian Ocean Commission (IOC) in Mahe, Seychelles on the 11-12 October 2016. It was attended by about 60 participants including the Minister of Environment, Energy & Climate Change of Seychelles, Hon.

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The Nairobi Convention for the Protection, Management and Development of the Marine and Coastal Environment of the Western Indian Ocean Region Secretariat (Nairobi Convention) in close collaboration with the Government of Seychelles, and the Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association (WIOMSA), organized the Eighth Conference of Parties (COP8) for the Nairobi Convention under the theme “Conserving the Marine and Coastal Environment for the Western Indian Ocean for the next 30 Years” on 22 - 24 June, 2015 in Mahe, Seychelles.

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This month, the NAPA began our saga on the governance of protected areas in Africa. This issue quickly draws the overall context and future editions will be dedicated to the specific aspects of the different governance models namely: the private sector, and then governance by both the State and communities.