sustainable development

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ECA SRO-EA held its 19th session of the Intergovernmental Committee of Experts (ICE) on 2–5 March 2015, in Antananarivo, Madagascar, on the theme “Harnessing the Blue Economy for the development of Eastern Africa.” The meeting urged States in Africa to mainstream the Blue Economy into their national and regional development plans, where applicable

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Ministers and delegates from 54 African nations met in Cairo March 2-6, 2015 at the 15th Session of the African Ministerial Conference on the Environment (AMCEN), where they agreed to optimize the use of the continent’s abundant natural resources for sustainable development and poverty alleviation. 
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The present Issues Paper aims at analysing how African countries can utilize the opportunities in the Blue Economy to bolster sustainable development and socioeconomic transformation. Agenda 2063 of the African Union declares the Blue Economy to be “Africa’s future” and recognizes the key role that the ocean plays as a catalyst for socioeconomic transformation. The paper examines the opportunities and challenges to developing the Blue Economy in Africa.

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Blue economy in the WIO region -

A presentation by the Nairobi Convention at the Partnership Meeting in the WIO Region with RECs and Commissions in the WIO Region 11-12 April 2019 Durban, South Africa

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Article 14.1 of Nairobi Convention states that “As part of their environmental management policies, the Contracting Parties shall, in co-operation with competent regional and international organizations if necessary, develop technical and other guidelines to assist in the planning of their major development projects in such a way as to prevent or minimize harmful impacts on the Convention area”