Events Outcomes for the Western Indian Ocean (WIO) region
Effluent reduction measures – from WIOLAB to WIOSAP. A presentation during the First Project Steering Committee meeting for Implementation of the Strategic Action Programme for the protection of the Western Indian Ocean from land-based source and activities (WIOSAP) project in November, 2017
Session 3: Project Management Mechanisms, Terms of Reference for Project Steering Committee & Co-financing held during the First Project Steering Committee meeting for Implementation of the Strategic Action Programme for the protection of the Western Indian Ocean from land-based source and activities (WIOSAP) projectin November, 2017
Nairobi Convention back to back meeting presentations - April, 2017
WIOSAP Project Budget - Presentation at the 1st WIOSAP PSC Meeting, November, 2017
Blue economy in the WIO region -
A presentation by the Nairobi Convention at the Partnership Meeting in the WIO Region with RECs and Commissions in the WIO Region 11-12 April 2019 Durban, South Africa
Environmental flows improve water management by ensuring a sustainable water supply meets the needs of people, agriculture, energy, industry and the environment within the limits of availability. The application of environmental flows supports the health of aquatic ecosystems and the well-being of people who depend on them. By providing a system for equitable allocation of water, based on available supply, the application of environmental flows can support development and poverty alleviation.
The Nairobi Convention, Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association (WIOMSA) and Birdlife International are organizing a meeting of the Consortium for the Conservation of the Coastal and Marine Ecosystems in the Western Indian Ocean region (WIO-C) to be held on 06 September 2019 in Seychelles.
Environmental flows improve water management by ensuring a sustainable water supply meets the needs of people, agriculture, energy, industry and the environment within the limits of availability. The application of environmental flows supports the health of aquatic ecosystems and the well-being of people who depend on them. By providing a system for equitable allocation of water, based on available supply, the application of environmental flows can support development and poverty alleviation.
In August, the Ninth Conference of Parties to the Nairobi Convention adopted Decision CP.9/6 on Ocean Governance, urging parties to work with regional bodies to implement AMCEN’s Cairo Declaration, the 2050 Africa Integrated Maritime Strategy, and the provisions of Agenda 2063 on ecosystem-based management approaches. The decision also requested the Secretariat to contribute to the development of an African strategy on ocean governance.