Richard Kimwaga (PhD)

Current job title: 
Senior Lecturer at the College of Engineering and Technology - Water Resources Engineering Department, University of Dar es Salaam
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Dr. Richard Joseph Kimwaga (PhD), holds Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, M.Sc. Water Resources Engineering, M.Sc. Environmental System Analysis and PhD in Environmental Engineering. He has attended a number of professional and short courses trainings on various issues related to water resources management, sanitation management and hygiene promotion. Currently, Dr. Kimwaga is a Senior Lecturer at the College of Engineering and Technology - Water Resources Engineering Department, University of Dar es Salaam with major specialties in Constructed Wetlands, Water Quality Management and Modeling, Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) and WASH. His major duties at the University are conducting teaching, research and consultancy mainly on water resources, sanitation and environmental management.

Dr. Kimwaga has more than 15 years of relevant professional experience in Integrated Water Resources Management and Development (IWRM); Integrated Sanitation Management (ISM), Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH); Solid Waste Management and Storm water Management. His experience is based on extensive and intensive field studies in different countries on various fronts in water resources, environmental management and development including Water Quality Modeling and Management, Pollution control, Water supply and sanitation, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Social Impact Assessment (SIA) and Environmental engineering Dr. Kimwaga has extensive experience in managing local and high profile stakeholder engagement processes, including facilitating of different national and regional courses, workshops and conferences as well as working with local communities.

He is an active member of various professional institutions, networks and associations such as Engineers Registration Board (ERB) Nile IWRM NET, Curriculum Working Group of the Integrated Sanitation Management Master Project, and Short Training Course Working Group of the Integrated Watershed Management Project. Dr. Kimwaga has wide experience in urban water supply and sanitation including Feacal Sludge Management (FSM) and sanitation marketing and hygiene promotion. He has vast experience in project management and project monitoring and evaluation.

He has excellent knowledge and experience with relevant data management and statistical analysis software packages including STELLA, QUAL2, SPSS, STATA and Excel.

Dr. Kimwaga has prepared and published a number of publications and Manuscripts related to water resources, sanitation, environmental management and pollution control. He has also been involved in a number of feasibility and baseline studies for various projects including water, sanitation and hygiene related projects. Recently Dr. Kimwaga was a Team Leader in DAWASA project on Provision of Consultancy Services for Preparation of a Feasibility Study for Septic Tank Sewerage Treatment Facilities in Areas with no Sewer and with Poor Sanitation in Dar es Salaam. He led the team that Analyzed and Generated Lessons Learned in Urban WASH Project in Informal Settlements of Temeke Municipality and Prepared Process Hand Book for Urban WASH Intervention. The project also focused on documenting the worst case and best case stories of change. The assignment was under Peoples Development Forum (PDF) funded by Water Aid Tanzania (WAT). Further, he was the team leader for the project titled Upgrading Onsite Sanitation System (OSS) funded by SVN. Currently, he leads the team that reviews the Water and Wastewater Quality Monitoring Guidelines for Energy and Water Utility Authority (EWURA) of Tanzania. Further, he has been recently selected by African Ministers Councils on Water (AMCOW) to be one of the facilitators to the Stakeholders Consultative Meetings that are geared towards providing the inputs to the development of African Sanitation Policy Guidelines (ASPG). He is the Regional Task Force Member of WIOSAP project and Deputy Chair under component B: Improved Water Quality

Expert's work/projects with the Convention (and associated projects): 
Dr. Richard was appointed as Deputy Chair for Component B on Improved Water Quality in the WIOSAP project.
Contact details: 
Dr. Richard Kimwaga
Water Resources Engineering Dpt.
University of Dar es Salaam
P.O. Box 35131
Dar es Salaam,