
Current job title: 
Senior Research Scientist, Zoology Department
Institution(s) associated with the expert: 

My research interests  are on aquatic invertebrates and fish with focus on fisheries,  crustacean  and molluscan  genetics and taxonomy, ecology, conservation, climate change and aquaculture.

Current job title: 
Undergraduate Student
Institution(s) associated with the expert: 

I'm a student of undergrade under Department of Oceanography at Noakhali Science and Technology University, Bangladesh. I'm passionate about the research and voluntary activities.

I'm very much interested at the field of Marine Biology, Environment, Oceanography, Biodiversity Conservation and climate change as well.

WIOSAP Demonstration Projects - South Africa

Coastal and marine resources provide numerous benefits to humans, including food, transportation, employment, leisure, protection from climate change, and more. However, inclusive, and integrated development planning and management of resources are imperative to ensure that future generations can enjoy these benefits.

In response to this imperative, the Nairobi Convention collaborated with government ministries and agencies, NGOs, training/research organizations, and other stakeholders to undertake projects that actualized the Implementation of the Strategic Action Programme for the Protection of the Western Indian Ocean from Land-Based Sources and Activities (WIO-SAP) at the national level.

Details of the specific projects in South Africa are outlined in this dashboard.

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WIOSAP Demonstration Projects Dashboard

The WIOSAP dashboard was officially launched on August 22, 2024 at the end of the High level Segment of the Eleventh Conference of Parties to the Nairobi Convention (COP 11), by His Excellency Mr. Kavydass Ramano, Minister of Environment, Solid Waste Management, and Climate Change of Mauritius. Read full article

Mr. Jared Bosire, the Head of the Nairobi Convention Secretariat introducing the WIOSAP project during the launch. WIOSAP, implemented across nine countries, focused on four main components: sustainable management of critical habitats, improved water quality, sustainable river flow management, and governance and regional collaboration.


The WIOSAP Project

The Nairobi Convention is part of  UNEP’s Regional Seas Programme  that aims to address the accelerating degradation of the world’s oceans and coastal areas through the sustainable management and use of the marine and coastal environment. It does this by engaging countries that share the Western Indian Ocean in actions to protect their shared marine environment.

The Nairobi Convention - signed by Comoros, France (Reunion), Kenya, Madagascar, Mauritius, Mozambique, Seychelles, Somalia, the United Republic of Tanzania, and the Republic of South Africa - provides a platform for governments, civil society, and the private sector to work together for the sustainable management and use of the marine and coastal environment.

The Project entitled  ‘Implementation of the Strategic Action Programme for the Protection of the Western Indian Ocean from land-based sources and activities’ (WIO-SAP) was intended ‘to reduce impacts from land-based sources and activities and sustainably manage critical coastal-riverine ecosystems through the implementation of the WIO-SAP priorities with the support of partnerships at national and regional levels’.

The WIOSAP project addresses significant threats to critical coastal and marine ecosystems of the Western Indian Ocean region, namely, sustainable management of critical habitats, improved water quality, sustainable management of river flows, and governance and regional collaboration.

This dashboard was produced as part of knowledge management of the investments made under the project during its implementation from 2017 to 2024 to promote regional shared learning. The dashboard captures various metrics on work executed by various partners supported under the project.


The Dashboard


Country dashboards

To view the country dashboards, please click on the name of the country: Comoros , Kenya , Madagascar , Mauritius , Mozambique , Seychelles , SomaliaSouth Africa and United Republic of Tanzania

WIOSAP regional outputs

The WIOSAP project had a strong focus on demonstration projects through on ground investments cutting across the three technical Components:

  1. Component A: Sustainable Management of Critical Habitats
  2. Component B: Improved Water Quality
  3. Component C: Sustainable Management of River Flows
  4. Component D: Governance and Regional Collaboration

Many on ground projects fail due to limited technical guidance among other reasons. To remedy this long running limitation, the project supported development and production of various thematic guidelines, strategies and frameworks to avail targeted policy and technical guidance on the implementation of various interventions under the projects.

A minimum of 20 such policy/technical guidelines, strategies and frameworks were produced under the project, some in synergy with other projects of the Convention (SAPPHIRE, ACP-MEAs) with many of them requested by Contracting Parties through various COP Decisions in support of the WIOSAP project to address critical implementation gaps.

Development and production of these documents was supported by Task Forces and Technical Working Groups comprising of experts from Contracting Parties. Focal Points played a critical role in guiding these processes and eventual validation and clearance of these documents. The documents are a major legacy of the project for continued regional adoption and application beyond the implementation time for the project.



~ The financial figure for South Africa includes one project that is yet to be implemented

~ The designations employed and the presentations of material do not imply the expressions of any opinion whatsoever on the part of UNEP, Nairobi Convention, or contributory organisations concerning the legal status of any country, territory*, city area or its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries or the designation of its name, frontiers or boundaries..

Current job title: 
Ph.D. Student
Institution(s) associated with the expert: 

Marine ecosystem modeling (Ecological Network Analysis (ENA):  Seagrass ecosystems, fish larval supply and recruitment, fish community analyses; Ocean observation: Remote sensing, climate change

WIOSAP Demonstration Projects - Mauritius

Coastal and marine resources provide numerous benefits to humans, including food, transportation, employment, leisure, protection from climate change, and more. However, inclusive, and integrated development planning and management of resources are imperative to ensure that future generations can enjoy these benefits.

In response to this imperative, the Nairobi Convention collaborated with government ministries and agencies, NGOs, training/research organizations, and other stakeholders to undertake projects that actualized the Implementation of the Strategic Action Programme for the Protection of the Western Indian Ocean from Land-Based Sources and Activities (WIO-SAP) at the national level.

Details of the specific projects in Mauritius are outlined in this dashboard.

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WIOSAP Demonstration Projects - United Republic of Tanzania

Coastal and marine resources provide numerous benefits to humans, including food, transportation, employment, leisure, protection from climate change, and more. However, inclusive, and integrated development planning and management of resources are imperative to ensure that future generations can enjoy these benefits.

In response to this imperative, the Nairobi Convention collaborated with government ministries and agencies, NGOs, training/research organizations, and other stakeholders to undertake projects that actualized the Implementation of the Strategic Action Programme for the Protection of the Western Indian Ocean from Land-Based Sources and Activities (WIO-SAP) at the national level.

Details of the specific projects in Tanzania are outlined in this dashboard.

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WIOSAP Demonstration Projects - Comoros

Coastal and marine resources provide numerous benefits to humans, including food, transportation, employment, leisure, protection from climate change, and more. However, inclusive, and integrated development planning and management of resources are imperative to ensure that future generations can enjoy these benefits.

In response to this imperative, the Nairobi Convention collaborated with government ministries and agencies, NGOs, training/research organizations, and other stakeholders to undertake projects that actualized the Implementation of the Strategic Action Programme for the Protection of the Western Indian Ocean from Land-Based Sources and Activities (WIO-SAP) at the national level.

Details of the specific project in Comoros are outlined in this dashboard.

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Current job title: 
Senior Marine Scientist
Areas of expertise: 

Dr Narriman Jiddawi has an MSC degree on Fisheries management  obtained at the University of North Wales, Bangor and a PhD on Marine sciences obtained from the University of Dar es salaam. She has worked extensively on issues related to mariculture, fisheries management and socio-economic women empowerment along the coast. She has also worked on Climate change projects and Blue economy.

WIOSAP Demonstration Projects - Mozambique

Coastal and marine resources provide numerous benefits to humans, including food, transportation, employment, leisure, protection from climate change, and more. However, inclusive, and integrated development planning and management of resources are imperative to ensure that future generations can enjoy these benefits.

In response to this imperative, the Nairobi Convention collaborated with government ministries and agencies, NGOs, training/research organizations, and other stakeholders to undertake projects that actualized the Implementation of the Strategic Action Programme for the Protection of the Western Indian Ocean from Land-Based Sources and Activities (WIO-SAP) at the national level.

Details of the specific projects in Mozambique are outlined in this dashboard.

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