Since his doctoral research between 2012 and 2016, Gildas has been working on coral farming and coral bio-ecology within the Polyaquaculture Research Unit (PRU) of the Fishery and Marine Science Institute of the University of Toliara, Madagascar.
Rural development and marine conservation with a particular focus on community-based approaches in Madagascar/SW Indian Ocean, European overseas (Mayotte and Reunion islands), and a bit of Central Africa.
My professional career has primarily focused on human-shark conflict and shark and ray ecology, conservation and management.
I currently work for WCS as part of their shark and ray program in the Western Indian Ocean. This work focuses on shark and ray conservation primarily through understanding their ecology and threats, and working with other NGOs, scientists, government institutions and regional seas programs to inform and recommend policies which will benefit communities and shark and ray conservation in the region.
Dr Narriman Jiddawi has an MSC degree on Fisheries management obtained at the University of North Wales, Bangor and a PhD on Marine sciences obtained from the University of Dar es salaam. She has worked extensively on issues related to mariculture, fisheries management and socio-economic women empowerment along the coast. She has also worked on Climate change projects and Blue economy.
PhD in tropical marine botany.
Fields of expertise
- Marine plants both mangroves and algae
- Marine protected areas, networks of MPAs
- Sustainable financing of protected areas
- Mangrove restoration and management
Countries of working expertise: Kenya, Tanzania, Palau, FSM, CNMI, Indonesia., Papua new Guinea, Marshall Islands., Fiji and Solomon Islands.
Mangroves, Seagrass, and Coral Reefs observation.
I am a marine microbiologist by training but have mainly focussed on how (scientific) information can be better used to guide policy decisions and ultimately marine governance. For me, this includes the participation of as many involved stakeholders as possible to co-create ideas and jointly develop a roadmap for the sustainable use of marine resources.
I have now succesfully worked with a wide range of stakeholders, including the maritime industry, NGOs and both scientific/intergovernmental istitutions.
I have a M.Sc Zoology with special skills in Marine Spatial Planning and a background in coastal ecology.
Currently, I function as a Science Communicator for the Sustainable Seas Trust. Sustainable Seas Trust (SST) is a science-based organisation that works to protect Africa’s marine resources for the benefit of all who live on the continent.
Benthic Ecology of megafauna species.
Student taking environmental resource management. Interested on marine ecology