
Current job title: 
Associate Professor at Sokoine University of Agriculture
Institution(s) associated with the expert: 

Prof. Japhet J.

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Current job title: 
Environment and Social Engagement Consultant
Institution(s) associated with the expert: 
  • Widespread experience with numerous Environmental Impact Assessments and Feasibility Studies for a wide range of infrastructure projects over a period of 24 years and production of Management Plans
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Current job title: 
Chief Executive Officer
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Angelique is a lawyer (Seychelles and UK) and she holds an LLM in Environmental law specializing in the law of the sea and natural resources law. Also, Angelique is a trained climate change negotiator under the AOSIS Climate Change Fellowship Programme at the United Nations.

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Areas of expertise: 
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I specialise in the physical dynamics of estuaries; estuarine condition assessments; environmental flow requirements; climate change impacts on estuaries; and estuary management and policy. I am part of a core team that developed environmental flow requirements technologies for South Africa, e.g. Version 1, 2 and 3 of the eflows methods for estuaries. I have been involved in over 40 freshwater flow requirement (EFR) studies on estuaries in Southern Africa as project leader  or hydrodynamics / physical process specialist.

Current job title: 
Shisiwani National Park Manager (Warden)

Houssoyni Housseni, born in Mohéli island from Comoros, holds a Master Degree in Development with specialization in Environment management from French speaker University (Université Senghor, Campus de Burkina-Faso);an Engineering Degree in Naturals resources protection and conservation (Ecosystems service, Ecology, marine sciences) from University of Applied Sciences and Technology, Tehran-Iran; and a Bachelor’s Degree in Earth Sciences and Environment (Geology, Ecology and Chemistry) from University of Comoros.

WIOSAP Projects - Outcome A.1

A: Sustainable Management of Critical Habitats 

Outcome A.1: Appropriate tools and methodologies are used to manage critical coastal and marine habitats to enhance their resilience and long-term sustainability

Outcomes Outputs Actual outputs
Outcome A.1: Appropriate tools and methodologies are used to manage critical coastal and marine habitats to enhance their resilience and long-term sustainability Output A.1.1:  National institutions undertake participatory spatial planning to increase the resilience of selected key coastal ecosystems to anthropogenic impacts including the impacts of climate change and variability
  • Seychelles, Mauritius, and South Africa have developed and implemented Strategies, Policies, and Legislation specific to MSP, which have informed Seychelles’ declaration of 30% of its EEZ as a marine protected area. 
  • Development of a regional MSP Strategy E7
  Output A.1.2: Management plans developed and adopted for at least five (5) key critical coastal and marine habitats, reinforcing the regional MPA network and mitigating habitat loss and climate change impacts
  • 7 management plans are being developed. 
  • 4 management plans for four MPAs in Comoros. 
  Output A.1.3: At least one key degraded critical coastal habitat was restored, and resilience increased
  • Regional Restoration Guideline on Mangroves
  • Regional Restoration Guideline on Seagrasses 
  Output A.1.4: Pilot actions build capacity in ICM, demonstrating how ICM can be strengthened at the local level through the empowerment of communities and other actors at demonstration sites (under A.1.1 and A.1.2)  


Current job title: 
Senior Researcher

Geospatial analysis and multispectral remote sensing expert, focussing on coastal and other landscape dynamics and degradation, and coastal climate change adaptation. Recently developed South African coastal and estuarine climate change related flood and erosion risk indices on a national level.

Current job title: 
Director - Blue Oceans Programme
Institution(s) associated with the expert: 

Believe technology access and knowledge can be a great tool in creating change, expanding influence, enhancing impact and drive sustainability. Have a great understanding of general ecology and biological sciences with an innate understanding of marine ecosystems, coastal forests and concepts of ecosystem connectivity and  conversant in fisheries certification process - knowledgeable in Marine Stewardship Council fisheries standard and possess technical expertise.

Current job title: 
Senior Marine Scientist
Areas of expertise: 

Dr Narriman Jiddawi has an MSC degree on Fisheries management  obtained at the University of North Wales, Bangor and a PhD on Marine sciences obtained from the University of Dar es salaam. She has worked extensively on issues related to mariculture, fisheries management and socio-economic women empowerment along the coast. She has also worked on Climate change projects and Blue economy.

Current job title: 
Assistant Director, Socioeconomics and Planning at Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute (KMFRI)
Institution(s) associated with the expert: 

Dr. Ochiewo has competencies in Development studies, socioeconomic surveys, environmental economics including economic valuation of natural resources, causal chain analysis, project design and implementation, community development, governance, and natural resource policy analysis.

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