Coastal Cities

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Coastal cities are dynamic, complex systems which need energy, water, food and other resources to function and support diverse activities. If managed properly cities have the potential to offer better socio-economic conditions and quality of life to residents as well as the wider nation within which they are situated. The integrated adaptive management and sustainable development of coastal cities is therefore essential.

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The relationship between environment, society and economy in urban centres are of key importance in the WIO region. In particular, there is a need to better understand these interdependencies, and the associated constraints to achieving the objectives of the SDGs, the Paris Climate Agreement and the Sendai Risk and Disaster Reduction Framework. This understanding should inform planning and decision-making in city environments.
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Coastal cities are gateways of trade and transport of countries in the WIO region and sites of key economic activity and infrastructure including ports, airports, hotels and fish markets, as well as providing the workforce that supports key blue economy sectors.

The Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association and UN Habitat, in partnership with the Nairobi Convention launched a portfolio of 6 reports on 15 December 2021. The reports focus on strategic and operational opportunities for city and Blue economy stakeholders.