Resource Efficiency
The current assessment report is intended to support the development of a private sector engagement strategy for the WIO region which in turn will lead to partnerships aimed at reducing stress on its ecosystems. For the purposes of this report, the private sector is considered to be those enterprises that are run by individuals and companies and are not state controlled. These range from microenterprises to cooperatives to multinationals, including financial institutions, trade associations and organizations that represent private sector interests and philanthropic foundations.
During the focal points meeting of the Nairobi Convention held in August 2012, in Maputo, Mozambique, the contracting parties adopted an outline to be used in the preparation of the World Oceans Assessment report. The meeting also agreed that the adopted outline will also serve as the outline for the Regional State of the Coast report for the Nairobi Convention.
This Regional Synthesis Report on the status of pollution in the WIO region synthesises information presented in the National Status of Pollution Reports which form the basis for the TDA of the WIO region. The TDA is an important part of the overall strategic planning process, providing a basis for formulation of the Strategic Action Plan (SAP) and the harmonised National Action Plans (NAPs) on environmental protection of WIO region. The focus of this study is on land-based sources of marine pollution, i.e.
The 2021 Science to Policy Dialogue was held from 23-25 March 2021. Below, find a full list of presentations.
Keynote Addresses:
- "Financing the transition to a sustainable blue economy": Professor Rashid Sumaila
- "The role of the private sector in the management of plastics as an environmental challenge": Douw Steyn
Coastal cities are gateways of trade and transport of countries in the WIO region and sites of key economic activity and infrastructure including ports, airports, hotels and fish markets, as well as providing the workforce that supports key blue economy sectors.
The Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association and UN Habitat, in partnership with the Nairobi Convention launched a portfolio of 6 reports on 15 December 2021. The reports focus on strategic and operational opportunities for city and Blue economy stakeholders.