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Approaches to planning and managing marine protected areas (MPAs) have evolved considerably since the first edition of this book was published in 1984. The original version arose from the Workshop on Managing Coastal and Marine Protected Areas, held in October 1982 during the World Congress on National Parks in Bali, Indonesia. A second edition was printed in 1989, with minor revisions. This second edition was exhausted several years ago, but demand for the book remained high.

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The Toolkit aims to act as a first point of call in the search for information on issues that MPA managers and practitioners face in day-to-day operations. This first Edition of the Toolkit contains 78 theme sheets, most of which include a case study to help illustrate each topic. The Toolkit is arranged in two parts: 1) The Management Process and 2) Conservation and Sustainable Use.

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This workshop will take place between 1 - 4 November 2023 in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. The objective will be to train and develop capacity of MPA managers and OECMs practitioners on effective and sustainable management of marine and coastal resources in the Western Indian Ocean Region. Specifically, the training will entail regional diagnosis of challenges and priorities facing MPAs; MPA certification, developing and implementing adaptive management and monitoring plans; setting new MPA management standards and reporting in line with SDG 14 and-the Global Biodiversity Framework.