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The primary objective of the mission was to officially kick-off the drafting process of the MPAs and Critical Habitats Outlooks for the Nairobi Convention countries so as to establish a baseline for SDG 14.2 and 14.5 and encourage governments to work towards 10/20 target.

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Report of the Second Negotiation Meeting on the Text of the Protocol on Integrated Coastal Zone Management in Western Indian Ocean Region. The Second Negotiation Meeting on the Text of the First Draft of the ICZM Protocol of the Nairobi Convention was held on the 21-22 March 2016 in Mauritius.

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Countries in the Western Indian Ocean are endowed with coastal and marine ecosystems rich in biodiversity and luxuriant resources that are important to the wellbeing of their people. However, these resources are under pressure from a variety of natural and man-made factors, including; resource overexploitation, pollution, unplanned coastal development and climate change. Marine litter is becoming a significant contributor to marine pollution in the World Oceans and Western Indian Ocean (WIO), is not exempt. Over 80% of marine pollution that constitute marine litter

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The Nairobi Convention holds a Conference of Contracting Parties (COPs) after two years to review the implementation of decisions of past COPs. The Contracting Parties to the Nairobi Convention held the Eighth Conference of Parties (COP8) on 22-24 June 2015 in Mahe, Seychelles. The meeting was organized in two segments: experts meeting on 22 June 2015; and Heads of Delegation meeting on 23-24 June 2015. At the Heads of Delegation meeting, 15 decisions were adopted.

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Achieving the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals for Oceans and Coasts in the Western Indian Ocean: A Paper for the Science- Policy Workshop of the 9th Conference of Parties to the Nairobi Convention.
Paper for the Science-Policy Workshop of the 9th Conference of Parties to the Nairobi Convention, 9-11 July 2018, Durban South Africa
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Article 14.1 of Nairobi Convention states that “As part of their environmental management policies, the Contracting Parties shall, in co-operation with competent regional and international organizations if necessary, develop technical and other guidelines to assist in the planning of their major development projects in such a way as to prevent or minimize harmful impacts on the Convention area”

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Promoting Innovation and Reuse: Opportunities for the Nairobi Convention.

A presentation by WIOMSA / Nairobi Convention

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SDG 14 offers a great opportunity to advance ocean sustainability in the WIO to address current and emerging threats.It is underpinned by targets addressing conservation and sustainable use of the ocean, seas and marine resources, including coastal zones, and targets referring to capacity building and ocean governance.