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The following country report begins with an overview of coastal livelihoods in Tanzania, which provides a concise overview of the seven sector reports and the findings of the in-country and regional consultants. This overview ends with a conclusion which summarizes the collected information as it relates to the coastal zone in Tanzania in general. This overview is followed by the more detailed sector reports, which represent the original contributions by the in-country and regional consultants.

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The following country report begins with an overview of coastal livelihoods in Comoros, which provides a concise overview of the seven sector reports and the findings of the in-country and regional consultants. This overview ends with a conclusion which summarizes the collected information as it relates to the coastal zone in Comoros in general.

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In accordance to Article 23 of the Nairobi Convention, the Contracting Parties are obliged to transmit information on the measures adopted to implement the Convention and its Protocols, regularly to the Secretariat. The attached questionnaire is aimed at facilitating the transmission of such information from Parties to the Secretariat.

Year Published: 
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The following country report begins with an overview of coastal livelihoods in Comoros, which provides a concise overview of the seven sector reports and the findings of the in-country and regional consultants. This overview ends with a conclusion which summarizes the collected information as it relates to the coastal zone in Comoros in general.

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This document profiles the decisions of the Sixth Conference of the Contracting Parties (COP) to the Convention for the Protection, Management and Development of the Marine and Coastal Environment of the Eastern African Region (Nairobi Convention). The theme of the meeting was Sustaining Progress

Year Published: 
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The following country report begins with an overview of coastal livelihoods in Comoros, which provides a concise overview of the seven sector reports and the findings of the in-country and regional consultants. This overview ends with a conclusion which summarizes the collected information as it relates to the coastal zone in Comoros in general.

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The Nairobi Convention Secretariat organised the Sixth Conference of Parties (COP-6) to the Nairobi Convention at United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya, from 29 March to 1 April 2010.

Year Published: 
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The following country report begins with an overview of coastal livelihoods in Comoros, which provides a concise overview of the seven sector reports and the findings of the in-country and regional consultants. This overview ends with a conclusion which summarizes the collected information as it relates to the coastal zone in Comoros in general.