
Current job title: 
Director of Department
Areas of expertise: 

Oil Spill Preparedness - At Sea Response

Current job title: 
Head of Marine Environment
Areas of expertise: 

Oil Spill Preparedness - At Shore Response

Current job title: 
Maritime Advisor /Focal point of IMO
Areas of expertise: 
Institution(s) associated with the expert: 

International Maritime Organization (IMO) Focal Point

Current job title: 
Climate change, environmental governance, Food security and livelihood and fisheries sector development.
Current job title: 
Head Section of Marine and Coastal Biodiversity and Aquatic Endangered Species
Institution(s) associated with the expert: 

Mangroves, Seagrass, and Coral Reefs observation.

Current job title: 
Director of Fisheries
Institution(s) associated with the expert: 

fisheries projects management 

Current job title: 
Volunteer - Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources of Somalia
Areas of expertise: 

My professional area is Maritime Science and Special Marine Navigation

Year Published: 
Geographical Information: 
Type of content: 

Somalia has the longest national coastline (3025 km) in Africa with an estimated shelf area (depth 0–200 m) of 32 500 km

Year Published: 
Geographical Information: 
Type of content: 

For the past three years, aid flows in Somalia have been tracked through an annual mapping exercise. Significant progress has been made in improving aid transparency, which has informed better coordination. Aid data has also proven useful for monitoring aid effectiveness principles. This report presents the key findings from the aid mapping exercise conducted in 2016. The mapping exercise was led by the Aid Coordination Unit (ACU) in the Office of the Prime Minister.