Climate change

Current job title: 
Climate change, environmental governance, Food security and livelihood and fisheries sector development.
Current job title: 
IUCN, ESARO Regional Water Programme
Areas of expertise: 
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He is the IUCN Regional Technical Coordinator (Interim). His roles include: Programme development, resource mobilisation, strategic planning and project implementation


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Current job title: 
Environment and Social Engagement Consultant
Institution(s) associated with the expert: 
  • Widespread experience with numerous Environmental Impact Assessments and Feasibility Studies for a wide range of infrastructure projects over a period of 24 years and production of Management Plans
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Current job title: 
Programme Manager - WIOMSA
Institution(s) associated with the expert: 

I am an environmental planner with knowledge of planning and executing coastal spaces for sustainability. I have a special interest in climate change and coastal cities especially sea level rise and its impacts, coastal systems design and coastal spatial planning.

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Since his doctoral research between 2012 and 2016, Gildas has been working on coral farming and coral bio-ecology within the Polyaquaculture Research Unit (PRU) of the Fishery and Marine Science Institute of the University of Toliara, Madagascar.

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Current job title: 
Chief Scientist
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I am a marine ecologist with bias towards conservation, rehabilitation and sustainable utilisation of mangrove resources. I have developed expertise in the field of ecological mangroves restoration, carbon financing, integrated coastal area management, climate change mitigation/adaptations, and integrated management of mangrove areas.

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Current job title: 
Associate Professor of Hydrology and Water Resources Management
Areas of expertise: 
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Senior Expert for Operational Hydrology and Water Allocation Training holding a Doctorate degree in Civil Engineering (2008), a Master degree in Engineering Hydrology (1998) as well as a Honours diploma in Civil Engineering (1995) with more than 20 years of professional experience in national/international, partly IFI-funded projects in the water sector in Mozambique and in many SADC countries for lecturing (university level) and training (project

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Domenico Vito, PhD engineer, works in European projects on air quality in northern Italy. He has been an observer of the Conferences of the Parties since 2015 - the year in which the Paris Agreement was approved by the parties.

Current job title: 
Manager, MASMA Program
Areas of expertise: 
Institution(s) associated with the expert: 

Marine Ecology, Water Resources, Wetland Ecosystems, Coastal Ecosystems, Environmental Impact Assessment, Project Management, Monitoring & Evaluation, Fisheries Data Management and Analysis|