Under Implementation/Ongoing

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Seagrass ecosystems have been recently acknowledged for their blue carbon potential. Blue carbon, is a recent concept used to refer to organic carbon stored in coastal and marine ecosystems. Mangroves, salt marshes and seagrass beds possess enormous potential to capture, store and release carbon. These blue carbon ecosystems are considered important natural carbon sink sources.

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The project seeks to advance ecosystems restoration on Ile aux Aigrettes Nature Reserve, a site of national and international biodiversity importance, and the surrounding sea. Recognising that terrestrial conservation and seabird colony re-establishment has benefits for both land and marine ecosystems, the project will conduct focused, seabird friendly, habitat restoration and seabird attraction.

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Water is essential to all kinds of human development and livelihood support systems, including ecosystems management, and sustains both aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. However, water resources are now under pressure due to increased competing demands and global warming, which have led to complex water management challenges.

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Kenya's coastal and marine resources provide numerous benefits to coastal communities, including food, employment, protection from climate change, and more. However, inclusive planning. development, and management of resources is imperative to ensure that these benefits can be enjoyed by future generations of Kenyans.

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