Economic activities

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This Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA) has been developed jointly by the ASCLME and SWIOF Projects in 2012 and is the regional synthesis report on the current status of the Agulhas and Somali Current Large Marine Ecosystems. It presents an analysis of the ecosystem status and the threats to the long term sustainability of coastal and marine processes and resources in the region.

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This Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA) has been developed jointly by the ASCLME and SWIOF Projects in 2012 and is the regional synthesis report on the current status of the Agulhas and Somali Current Large Marine Ecosystems. It presents an analysis of the ecosystem status and the threats to the long term sustainability of coastal and marine processes and resources in the region.

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The Toolkit aims to act as a first point of call in the search for information on issues that MPA managers and practitioners face in day-to-day operations. This first Edition of the Toolkit contains 78 theme sheets, most of which include a case study to help illustrate each topic. The Toolkit is arranged in two parts: 1) The Management Process and 2) Conservation and Sustainable Use.

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The coastal and marine habitats of the Western Indian Ocean (WIO) region support the livelihoods of a rapidly growing population, currently estimated at over 60 million. The region is still one of the least ecologically disturbed in the world, hosting over 2,200 species of fish, including rare and endangered species, such as the dugong, coelacanths, marine turtles, sharks, birds and over 350 species of corals and a diverse assemblage of coastal forests, mangrove forests and sea grass beds.

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The following country report begins with an overview of coastal livelihoods in Comoros, which provides a concise overview of the seven sector reports and the findings of the in-country and regional consultants. This overview ends with a conclusion which summarizes the collected information as it relates to the coastal zone in Comoros in general. This overview is followed by the more detailed sector reports, which represent the original contributions by the in-country and regional consultants.

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The following country report begins with an overview of coastal livelihoods in Comoros, which provides a concise overview of the seven sector reports and the findings of the in-country and regional consultants. This overview ends with a conclusion which summarizes the collected information as it relates to the coastal zone in Comoros in general.

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The South Indian Ocean Blue Book was presented on Saturday, December 10th, 2011 for the seashells that took place in Saint-Pierre of La Réunion.

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The main objective of this book is to provide teachers of primary and secondary schools in the western Indian Ocean (WIO) region with a basic textbook that will allow them to introduce environmental components in the classroom as well as in outdoor activities.

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