The Eleventh Conference of Parties to the Nairobi Convention (COP 11)

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Welcome to the Eleventh Conference of Parties to the Nairobi Convention (COP 11)

The Eleventh  Conference of Parties to the Nairobi Convention (COP 11) is crucial in enhancing ongoing effort to protect, manage and develop the Western Indian Ocean (WIO) region. COP 11 will serve as a platform for reflection, collaboration, and decisive action by the Nairobi Convention Contracting Parties.


This year, COP11 will take place in two segments. The first segment will be held on the 20-21 of August 2024,  where Experts, Partners, and national Focal Points will be deliberating on the work programme and proposed areas of  Decision. The second segment will be held on 22 of August 2024, where the Heads of Delegation meeting will evaluate the implementation of the Convention’s Programme of Work 2022–2024, guide on the work programme for 2025–2028 and provide strategic decision for the implementation of the Convention and its Protocols.

Working Documents

UNEP/EAF/COP.11/1 Provisional Programme EN | FR
UNEP/EAF/COP.11/2 Provisional Agenda EN | FR
UNEP/EAF/COP.11/2 Add1 Provisional Annotated Agenda EN | FR
UNEP/EAF/COP.11/3 Progress in the implementation of the Convention for the Protection, Management and Development of the Marine and Coastal Environment of the Western Indian Ocean Region (Report of the Executive Director of UNEP) EN | FR
  Annex I: Protocol on Integrated Coastal Zone Management of the Western Indian Ocean (2023) EN | FR
  Annex II: Amendment of the Nairobi Convention Protocol Concerning Protected Areas and Wild Flora and Fauna in the Eastern African Region (2022) EN | FR
  Annex III: Draft Western Indian Ocean Regional Ocean Governance Strategy (2024) EN | FR
  Annex IVa: Draft Western Indian Ocean Regional Information Management Strategy (IMS) (2024) EN | FR
  Annex IVb: Ecosystem Economic Valuation Methodology for the Coastal and Marine Ecosystems EN | FR
  Annex V: Regional Oil Spill Preparedness in Eastern Africa and the Western Indian Ocean (2020) EN | FR
  Annex VI: Western Indian Ocean Marine Spatial Planning Strategy (2021) EN | FR
  Annex VII: The Regional Framework for Ecosystem Monitoring in the Western Indian Ocean (2021) EN | FR
  Annex VIII: Western Indian Ocean Strategic Framework for Coastal and Marine Water Quality Management EN | FR
  Annex IX: Western Indian Ocean Science to Policy Platform Report (2023) EN | FR
  Annex X: A Private Sector Engagement Strategy in the Western Indian Ocean Region  
  Annex XI: Transboundary Diagnostic Analyses (TDA)  
  Annex XII: Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment (CCVA) toolkit  
  Annex XIII: Western Indian Ocean Critical Habitats Outlook (2024)  
  Annex XIV: Western Indian Ocean Sustainable Ports: Scenario Analysis (2023) EN | FR
  Annex XV: Western Indian Ocean Sustainable Port Development: Situation Assessment (2023) EN | FR
  Annex XVI: Western Indian Ocean Sustainable Port Development: A Toolkit (2023) EN | FR
UNEP/EAF/COP.11/4 Proposed Programme of Work for the period 2025–2028 for the implementation of the Nairobi Convention EN | FR
UNEP/EAF/COP.11/5 Draft Areas of Decision for the Eleventh Conference of Parties EN | FR


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