6th WIOSAP PSC Meeting Presentations

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The sixth PSC meeting for the WIOSAP project was organized with the overall objective of providin strategic guidance for effective implementation of the activities in the WIOSAP project based on the recent MidTerm Review (MTR) findings.

Below, find presentations from the sixth WIOSAP Project Steering Comittee meeting held in Nosy Be, Madagscar between 6-7 July 2022.


Session 1

  1. Presentation of Progress Report
  2. Presentation of Financial Report

Session 2 - MTR Report

  1. Presentation of the Mid-Term Review (MTR) Report and recommendations
  2. Action Plan for Implementing MTR Recommendation

Session 3- Presentations by Implementing Partners

  1. Enhancing stakeholder capacity on the use of ICZM as a tool for conservation of the coastal and marine environment through a demo ICZM Project in Malindi –Sabaki Estuary Area, Kenya
  2. Towards integrated spatial planning for sustainable management of coastal and marine resources in Kilifi County, Kenya
  3. Coral culture for small scale reef rehabilitation in Mauritius IP: Mauritius Oceanographic Institute
  4. Assessment of Blue Carbon Ecosystem (Seagrass) around the island of Mauritius
  5. Community-based ecological coastal rehabilitation using an ecosystem approach, Seychelles
  6. Habitat restoration and attraction of seabirds to Ile aux Aigrettes (Mauritius)
  7. Developing Collaborative Management Plan and Sustainable Mangrove Restoration Model in Rufiji Delta, Tanzania
  8. Undertake seagrass restoration for Sustainable Shellfish and drafting a management Plan Action guideline for seagrass restoration (Mozambique)
  9. Mangrove Restoration and Livelihood Support through Community Participation in Limpopo River Estuary, Mozambique
  10. Sustainable management of shallow marine habitats in Comoros through improved management planning and rehabilitation of degraded sites
  11. Developing Collaborative Strategies for Sustainable Management of Mangroves in the Boeny Region Littorale, Madagascar
  12. Improving Mtwapa Creek water quality by use of Constructed Wetland Wastewater Treatment technology in Shimo la Tewa
  13. Strengthening regulatory framework and national capacity for monitoring effluent discharges, water, and sediments quality in coastal and marine areas of Madagascar
  14. Improving Water Quality by use of Constructed Wetland Wastewater Treatment at a Farm in the South of Mahé Island
  15. Improvement of ecosystem health and water quality by implementing a Source to Seabased approach to tackle marine litter in five priority river systems in Durban, KwazuluNatal, South Africa
  16. Improvements in Marine Water Quality through enhanced Estuarine Management (South Africa)
  17. Upscaling and Amplification of the Msingini Wastewater Treatment Facility Model in Chake Chake Town, Pemba.
  18. Sustainable Catchment Management through Enhanced Environmental Flow Assessment 
  19. Sustainable management of EFlows for west coast rivers of Madagascar: a case of Betsiboka River
  20. Environmental Flows for enhanced Biodiversity and Poverty alleviation in the Incomati delta, Mozambique (Eflows-Moz)
  21. Assessment of the status of the Jubba Shabelle basin in Somalia

Session 4- Presentation of Projects

  1. Economic valuation and identifying potential investment opportunities for the Trans-Boundary Conservation Area (TBCA) between Kenya and Tanzania
  2. Sustainable Port Management in the WIO Region
  3. Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment in Selected Coastal Communities in the WIO Region


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