Waste Management
Lenice currently serves as a project manager (Science & Policy) for CORDIO East Africa. She has over nine years of experience working on development-focused projects from 2010, transitioning to more research-oriented work in 2014. Her past six years have focused on transforming coastal and marine resource management within Western Indian Ocean region (WIO) through research, encompassing multilevel climate change adaptation and governance; community-based natural resource management with a focus on artisanal fisheries management and community-driven management of marine litter.
Conservation and management of aquatic ecosystems through development of management frameworks such as strategies, action plans, policies and regulations, stakeholder engagement and aquatic resources inventory and monitoring
Josheena's doctoral work is situated at the nexus of political ecology and marine policy and focuses on adaptive management of marine protected areas (MPAs), community inclusion, environmental justice, and the valorization of natural and cultural heritage in marine governance. Josheena’s community-based scholarship explores the complexities of local environmental stewardship efforts and environmental identity in a post-colonial context.
I'm an environmental analytical chemist with a special interest in microplastics pollution in East African marine waters and is currently in the final year undertaking a Ph.D. in Environmental Analytical Chemistry at Pwani University, Kilifi, Kenya, studying microplastic pollution in water, sediments and looking into possible risks of microplastics in the marine environment.
Prof. Japhet J.
Marine Pollution, Marine Litter, Environmental and Social Impact Assessment, Environmental Monitoring
Yves Jean Michel Mong is the current director of the National Center for Environmental Research (CNRE). He has worked in this research center since 1989, just one year after the creation of the center, where he had the privilege of working and enriching his professional experiences under the direction of the founder of the CNRE, Professor RAKOTOVAO Lala Henriette.