Policy and Governance

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This report describes the Policy and Governance Assessment done for the Coastal and Marine Resources sectors within the framework of Large Marine Ecosystems for the Agulhas and Somali Current in Tanzania. This report is organized into seven chapters. The first chapter introduces Tanzania with its geographical settings, administrative set up and the existing governance system for managing the coastal and marine resources and environment. It also present the methodology used for this assessment.

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Mozambique, bathed by the Indian Ocean in its entire eastern side, is located in SouthEast Africa, between the parallels 10°27’S and 26°52’S. It is limited by Tanzania and Malawi, in its northern part; by Zambia and Zimbabwe, on the western side; and by Swaziland and South Africa, in its south-western and southern parts.

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The objective of this report is to assess and make recommendations on the sustainable management of South Africa’s marine and coastal resources in the context of other countries in the West Indian Ocean (WIO) region.

More specifically the report seeks to outline and assess the application of an Ecosystem Based Approach (EBA) and Living Marine Ecosystem (LME) approach for the sustainable management of such resources with a view to benefitting the people and alleviating poverty in the region. More specifically the terms of reference are to:

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Madagascar is the fourth biggest island in the world and among the 17 countries agreed as “megadiversity”. Madagascar hosts a unique, highly endemic collection of flora and fauna due to hundreds of millions of years of tectonic isolation. Madagascar, part of the third largest coral reef system in the world belonging to the 32nd poorest country in the world, with a population that is more than eighty percent agrarian, limiting resource use for environmental goals is economically devastating - at least in the short term - to a significant percentage of the national population.

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The main objective of this book is to provide teachers of primary and secondary schools in the western Indian Ocean (WIO) region with a basic textbook that will allow them to introduce environmental components in the classroom as well as in outdoor activities.

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In 1984, the Government of the Democratic Republic of Somalia approached the Executive Director of UNEP with a request for assistance in assessing the coastal and marine environmental problems of the country in drawing up a national action plan for the protection, management and development of its marine and coastal environment.

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Project Background