Second Negotiations Meeting for the Nairobi Convention Biodiversity Protocol (September 2023) - Documentation

Working Documents
I) Concept Note for the Second Negotiations Meeting on the Protocol Concerning Protected Areas Wild Flora and Fauna - ENG
II) Provisional Agenda for the Second Negotiations Meeting on the Protocol Concerning Protected Areas Wild Flora and Fauna - ENG
III) First Draft Negotiations Protocol Concerning Protected Areas Wild Flora and Fauna (With Comments- PDF) - ENG
IV) Second Negotiated Text- Draft Protocol Concerning Protected Areas and Wild Flora and Fauna (15.09.2023 - PDF) - ENG
V) Draft Revised Protocol Concerning Protected Areas and Wild Fauna and Flora (15.09.2023 -DOC) - ENG
VI) Projet De Protocole Révisé Relatif Aux Zones Protégées Ainsi Qu’à (La Diversité Biologique De) La Faune Et (De) La Flore (PDF) -FR
VII) Projet De Protocole Révisé Relatif Aux Zones Protégées Ainsi Qu’à (La Diversité Biologique De) La Faune Et (De) La Flore (DOC) - FR
Information Documents
I) Protocol Concerning Protected Areas and Wild Fauna and Flora in the East African Region - ENG | FR
II) Justification for Review and Amendment of Protocol Concerning Protected Areas and Wild Fauna and Flora in the East African Region - ENG | FR
III Recommended ammendments to NC Protocol text and annexes (PDF) - ENG | FR
IV) Recommended ammendments to NC Protocol text and annexes (DOC) - ENG | FR
V) Rules of Procedure Meeting Conferences of Nairobi Convention - ENG
VI) Report of the Meeting of the First Negotiations on the Protocol Concerning Protected Areas Wild Flora and Fauna - ENG
VII) List of Participants at the First Negotiations Meeting on the Protocol Concerning Protected Areas Wild Flora and Fauna - ENG
VIII) Decisions - Tenth Conference of Parties (COP 10) - ENG | FR
IX) Logistical Note and List of Hotels
X) Concept Note and Agenda - Technical meeting to address technical, policy and legal texts from recommendations of the second negotiated draft Protocol -28-30 November 2023
XII) UN Final Clauses of Multilateral Treaties
First Biodiversity Protocol Negotiations - Nov 2022