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The Amended Nairobi Convention for the Protection, Management and Development of the Marine and Coastal Environment of the Western Indian Ocean (Amended Nairobi Convention)

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Session 4: Project Work programme and budget presentation during the First Project Steering Committee meeting for Implementation of the Strategic Action Programme for the protection of the Western Indian Ocean from land-based source and activities (WIOSAP) project in November, 2017.

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Nairobi Convention back to back meeting presentations - November, 2017

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Nairobi Convention Forum for Academic and Research Institutions (FARI) provisional agenda for the meeting held in Mauritius on 13 April, 2017

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For the past three years, aid flows in Somalia have been tracked through an annual mapping exercise. Significant progress has been made in improving aid transparency, which has informed better coordination. Aid data has also proven useful for monitoring aid effectiveness principles. This report presents the key findings from the aid mapping exercise conducted in 2016. The mapping exercise was led by the Aid Coordination Unit (ACU) in the Office of the Prime Minister.

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This vector layer shows the location marine areas managed at a local level by the coastal communities through collaborative groups, organisations and government representatives who reside or are based within the immediate area.

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WIO under sea cables layer has been derived from Greg's global cable map which attempts to consolidate all the available information about the undersea communications infrastructure. The initial data was harvested from Wikipedia, and further information was gathered by simply googling and transcribing as much data as possible into a useful format, namely a rich geocoded format.