
Current job title: 
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He has expertise in most aspects of marine fisheries, marine governance, marine law and marine resource economics.

He has worked in all WIO countries.

Current job title: 
Director, Mauritius Oceanography Institute
Institution(s) associated with the expert: 

My marine research career started in the early 1990s at the Ministry of Fisheries. In 2001, I joined the Mauritius Oceanography Institute where I am currently the Director. My pre and post doctoral experience stem from participation in several local, regional and international projects in coral taxonomy, coral reef ecology, phylogenetics, phylogeography and population genetics.

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Farid Dahdouh-Guebas has been working on mangrove forests in Africa and Asia since the 1990s. His research output include nearly 200 peer-reviewed papers covering mangrove vegetation science, remote sensing, restoration ecology, ethnobiology and systems ecology (linking to management and governance). He is part of IUCN's Species Survival Commission's Mangrove Specialist Group.

He is also the Founding Director and General Coordinator of the excellence labeled EC-funded Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree in Tropical Biodiversity and Ecosystems - TROPIMUNDO.

Current job title: 
Senior Lecturer at the College of Engineering and Technology - Water Resources Engineering Department, University of Dar es Salaam
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Dr. Richard Joseph Kimwaga (PhD), holds Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, M.Sc. Water Resources Engineering, M.Sc. Environmental System Analysis and PhD in Environmental Engineering. He has attended a number of professional and short courses trainings on various issues related to water resources management, sanitation management and hygiene promotion. Currently, Dr.

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Current job title: 
Executive - Secretariat of Fisheries and Environment Coordination's Bureau

Marine Environment, Geology and Geophysics, Environmental analysis and PoliticsEn

Current job title: 
Expert hydrologist and Environmentalist. He is responsible for hydrogeological surveys, i.e in other words groundwater and aquifer characterization, in-situ physico-chemical analysis, hydrogeophysical surveys and environmental impact studies.
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He is an expert hydrologist and Environmentalist.

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Current job title: 
Chief Executive Officer
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Angelique is a lawyer (Seychelles and UK) and she holds an LLM in Environmental law specializing in the law of the sea and natural resources law. Also, Angelique is a trained climate change negotiator under the AOSIS Climate Change Fellowship Programme at the United Nations.

Current job title: 
Environment and Social Engagement Consultant
Institution(s) associated with the expert: 
  • Widespread experience with numerous Environmental Impact Assessments and Feasibility Studies for a wide range of infrastructure projects over a period of 24 years and production of Management Plans
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Current job title: 
MSc Student
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I'm a master of science student and I work about Marine Sciences. Specificaly my field work is aplied oceanology.

Current job title: 
Teacher - University of Toliara - Madagascar
Areas of expertise: 

I am a Researcher - Teacher at the Institute of Fisheries and Marine Sciences at the University of Toliara Madagascar for 11 years and since I teach and I do my research especially on mangroves and seagrass.