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The Republic of Mauritius consists of a group of islands situated in the South West Indian Ocean at latitude of 20.17°S and a longitude of 57.33°E. It comprises mainland Mauritius, Rodrigues and Saint Brandon, Agalega and several outer islands. It enjoys a subtropical climate.

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The main objective of the second PSC meeting was to review the progress in project implementation and the impact

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The objective of the meeting was to present and launch the background document on the State of Ocean Governance in the Western Indian Ocean (WIO) region and to discuss the utility of the background document within the framework of the respective Regional Economic Communities.

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WIO Regional Private Sector Engagement Strategy Stakeholders Consultation Webinar Report

30 October 2020

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Coastal cities are gateways of trade and transport of countries in the WIO region and sites of key economic activity and infrastructure including ports, airports, hotels and fish markets, as well as providing the workforce that supports key blue economy sectors.

The Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association and UN Habitat, in partnership with the Nairobi Convention launched a portfolio of 6 reports on 15 December 2021. The reports focus on strategic and operational opportunities for city and Blue economy stakeholders.