Environment and Conservation

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The Western Indian Ocean (WIO) regional Science to Policy Workshop aimed to promote the linkages between science and policy for evidence-based decision-making and provide timely technical advice and policy recommendations. The 2021 workshop was themed ‘Transition to a Sustainable Western Indian Ocean Blue Economy: Addressing the challenges and seizing the opportunities.

The expected outputs of the workshop were:

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Coastal cities are gateways of trade and transport of countries in the WIO region and sites of key economic activity and infrastructure including ports, airports, hotels and fish markets, as well as providing the workforce that supports key blue economy sectors.

The Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association and UN Habitat, in partnership with the Nairobi Convention launched a portfolio of 6 reports on 15 December 2021. The reports focus on strategic and operational opportunities for city and Blue economy stakeholders.

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WIOGEN Ocean Governance Conference

Nairobi Convention Secretariat and Partners Special Session
Supporting science for the Regional Ocean Governance Strategy
29th October 2021

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On World Ocean Day, 8 June 2021, WIOMSA and the Nairobi Convention partnered to launch the Western Indian Ocean Marine Protected Areas Management Network (WIOMPAN).

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The Nairobi Convention in collaboration with WIOMSA and other partners are convening the 2021 Science to Policy Dialogue over three days from the 23rd – 25th March 2021.

This year’s theme is: Transitioning to a Sustainable Blue Economy in the WIO region: Addressing the challenges and harnessing opportunities

To access the abstracts of papers to be presented in the meeting, GO HERE.