Environment and Conservation

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The state of mangroves in the Western Indian Ocean report is the first report to quantify and map mangrove blue carbon, drivers of change, and restoration potential or mangroves in the region, using the latest and best globally available data.

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The sixth PSC meeting for the WIOSAP project was organized with the overall objective of providin strategic guidance for effective implementation of the activities in the WIOSAP project based on the recent MidTerm Review (MTR) findings.

Below, find presentations from the sixth WIOSAP Project Steering Comittee meeting held in Nosy Be, Madagscar between 6-7 July 2022.


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Our Blue Future is a multi-stakeholder initiative for an inclusive and sustainable blue economy in the Western Indian Ocean region. It is a public – private – civil society alliance that fosters a diverse network of impact-oriented partnerships, projects and champions.


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The NC-SWIOFC Partnership Project and the ACP-MEAs III Programme held a consultation meeting on the environment-fisheries nexus. The aim of this meeting was to to identify priority issues of concern and recommend processes that can be used to develop joint policy recommendations and indicators as well as knowledge and information sharing mechanisms while linking policy makers and key stakeholders in the environment and fisheries sectors.

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This Report reveals the main threats facing chondrichthyans in the Nairobi Convention area of the WIO to include: overexploitation and excessive mortality of chondrichthyan (particularly threatened) species; inadequate national-level policy and legislation in most countries; inadequate protection afforded by existing Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) throughout the WIO; poor implementation of management and conservation measures defined under Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs); high levels of illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) chondrichthyan fishing and trade (facilitated by