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The sixth PSC meeting for the WIOSAP project was organized with the overall objective of providin strategic guidance for effective implementation of the activities in the WIOSAP project based on the recent MidTerm Review (MTR) findings.

Below, find presentations from the sixth WIOSAP Project Steering Comittee meeting held in Nosy Be, Madagscar between 6-7 July 2022.


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The Western Indian Ocean is being degraded by activities that harm marine life, undermine coastal communities and negatively affect human health. These threats make it more important than ever for governments in the region to work together to strengthen protection of the ocean.

Administered by UNEP, the Nairobi Convention—signed by Comoros, France, Kenya, Madagascar, Mauritius, Mozambique, Seychelles, Somalia, Tanzania and the Republic of South Africa — provides a platform for governments, civil society, and the private sector to work together for the sustainable management and use of the marine and coastal environment.