Ecosystem Management

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This report is a culmination of the Integrated Problem Analysis process on priority issues carried out on the Kenyan marine and coastal resources and the identification of underlying causes, within the GEF MSP Sub-Sahara Africa Project on Integrated Problem Analysis. The Kenyan coast runs in a southwesterly direction from the Kenya-Somali border in the north, at 1o 41’S to 4o 40’S at the border with Tanzania.

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This Integrated Problem Analysis for Seychelles was conducted between December 2000 and August 2001. The exercise comprised of three phases. Phase 1 commenced with identification of hot spots, sensitive areas and overriding issues. A scaling exercise then prioritised 3 hot spots and 3 sensitive areas, and a scoping exercise that prioritised the relevant issues. Phase 2 focused on an assessment of environmental and social impacts, and Phase 3 on the analysis of causal chains for the three selected issues.

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This report presents an assessment of the social and economic importance of three priority activities contributing to physical alteration and destruction of habitats (PADH) within the coastal and marine environments on the well-being of countries in the Western Indian Ocean (WIO) region. These activities include:

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The Global Programmes Action of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP/GPA) Coordination Office in The Hague, The Netherlands, coordinates the tasks and activities of UNEP as secretariat of the Global Programme of Action for the Protection of the Marine Environment from land-based Activities. This GPA was adopted by 108 Governments, including Tanzania, and the European Commission in Washington D.C. in 1995.

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When most people try to visualize the “Sea” they envisage large marine expanses, and their underwater ecosystems. Until recently, the Sea Around Us project (SAUP) was way offshore, too. Yet, the sea also includes the coast – where the land meets the sea and where one finds some of the world’s most productive marine areas such as reefs, mangroves and seagrass beds. Coastal areas are of great importance to fisheries, not to mention tourism, aquaculture, transportation and gas and oil.

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This dataset shows the global distribution of coral reefs in tropical and subtropical regions. It is the most comprehensive global dataset of warm-water coral reefs to date, acting as a foundation baseline map for future, more detailed, work.

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Countries in the Western Indian Ocean are endowed with coastal and marine ecosystems rich in biodiversity and luxuriant resources that are important to the wellbeing of their people. However, these resources are under pressure from a variety of natural and man-made factors, including; resource overexploitation, pollution, unplanned coastal development and climate change. Marine litter is becoming a significant contributor to marine pollution in the World Oceans and Western Indian Ocean (WIO), is not exempt. Over 80% of marine pollution that constitute marine litter