Policy and Governance

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This first volume of the Western Indian Ocean (WIO) Science-Policy series is themed ‘Transitioning to a Sustainable Blue Economy in the WIO region: Addressing the challenges and harnessing opportunities’. This series was produced by the Nairobi Convention and WIOMSA. The Contracting Parties of the Nairobi Convention, through various COP Decisions, have emphasized the need to strengthen the linkage between science and policy for evidence-based decisions to conserve coastal and marine resources in the WIO region.
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This first volume of the Western Indian Ocean (WIO) Science-Policy series is themed ‘Transitioning to a Sustainable Blue Economy in the WIO region: Addressing the challenges and harnessing opportunities’. This series is produced by the Nairobi Convention and WIOMSA. The Contracting Parties of the Nairobi Convention, through various COP Decisions, have emphasized the need to strengthen the linkage between science and policy for evidence-based decisions to conserve coastal and marine resources in the WIO region.
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Working Documents

I) Concept Note for the Second Negotiations Meeting on the Protocol Concerning Protected Areas Wild Flora and Fauna - ENG

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Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) is a participatory process involving all stakeholders to plan, manage, conserve, and protect coastal and marine ecosystems with the aim of ensuring sustainable development. The objectives of ICZM are to promote sustainable use and equitable sharing of coastal resources, conserve ecological integrity, monitor natural risks, develop regional frameworks, involve stakeholders, and address the harmful effects of human activities.